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Accelerators, Innovation Hubs & Incubators Eligibility Criteria

Be a company, partnership, non-governmental organisation or limited liability partnership, whose principal object is to support the establishment and development of a tech start-up, promotion of innovation, and related activities through the offer of dedicated physical spaces and services
Demonstrate experience in developing and implementing a fixed-term, cohort-based programme which provides start-ups with mentorship and educational assistance to aid its growth
Innovation Hub
Provide or demonstrate proof possession of physical or virtual space where innovators, entrepreneurs, and technology enthusiasts come together to collaborate, exchange ideas, and work on innovative projects.

Register your Startup

Welcome to the Accelerators, Innovation Hubs & Incubators Registration Portal.

Company Profile
Other Info
Additional Info

E.g ABC Nigeria Limited

E.g 0123456

E.g abc@nigerialtd.ng

Eg. +2348012345678

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